Blue Bin’s Best


Sometimes, products come along that deserve my loyalty, and if they do, I’ll probably pass the word along. Here are my picks to keep on hand at ALL times.

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Sweet Scoops Mudslide Chocolate Chunk

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This product makes me wanna preach. Bad day? Sweet Scoops. Hungry? Sweet Scoops. Doctor suggests Probiotics? Sweet Scoops. Birthday? Sweet Scoops. Hot? Sweet Scoops. Cold? Sweet Scoops in front of a roaring fire. You get my drift. Each time I eat this stuff I remark about how seriously satisfying it is. The flavor is what’s right on point here… the Mudslide Chocolate Chunk is the best, ’cause you get that rich coffee liquour taste while maintaining a fro yo lightness. It’s in a different category altogether than the B&J Greek Banana PB Swirl I love so much, but it has totally and completely blown Stonyfield After Dark Chocolate Fro Yo out of the water.

Bodum Young Press


I love this press because of its simplicity and durability. I don’t like a fragile press, or the type that sits the glass beaker in a metal frame where you feel like it may slip out at any second when pouring. I use this press about 3 times a week to make coffee at home, but what I like best about it is that although it uses a traditional glass beaker inside (which I like, avoiding plastic-based chemicals leaching their way in to my morning joe), the outside layer is impact-resistant plastic. The red color is nice on a counter top too, but I really can’t wait to take this baby camping, as I’m sure it will stand up to the travel. Oh, and I loosen the screws just a bit to separate the mesh from the coils and put the whole shebang through the dishwasher about twice a week.


Prickly Heat Body Powder


Yes, this product is made by “Snake Brand” in Thailand. No, you will not find it at CVS, but apparently Amazon has you covered! I was turned on to this Thai secret when visiting first my sister and then again, my brother when they both did programs abroad in Thailand. It’s a gorgeous, friendly, beautiful place, but damn, it can be hot and sticky. Thai people and sticky visitors trust this powder to keep them cool when the temps get high. It’s like a baby powder, PLUS. When you start to sweat, it activates a minty menthol sensation to cool you right down. The feeling is a little weird at first, but get used to it and it becomes a sweet relief. Just don’t put it on your face or other, ahem, sensitive, areas. The sensation might just be too much to handle.

What do you think?